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Tragacanth gum


Export of Tragacanth gum : Wholesale Tragacanth Gum, Wholesale Tragacanth Price, Wholesale supply Tragacanth powder, supplier Tragacanth Gum, Bulk Tragacanth gum price

Plant names

Scientific name: Astragalus Spp.
Generic name: Gummi Astragali
English names: Tragacanth gum, Locoweed, Milk-vetch, Astragal, Crow-toe, Feel broom.
Farsi names: Katira, Gavan, Gavane safid, Gavane panbei.
Arabic names: Katheera, Katheera Al-bayzae, Makhlab Al-oghab.


Plant specification

Plant family: Leguminoseae.
Organs Used: Gum.

Type of active substance: The most important compounds of the Tragacanth gum include two polysaccharides, Bassorin and Tragacanthin.

Tragacanth gum health benefits: Tragacanth gum is used both for diarrhea and constipation. Tragacanth gum contains ingredients that stimulate the movement of the intestines.

It is also an ingredient in toothpastes, hand lotions, denture adhesives, and vaginal creams and jellies. In foods, tragacanth gum is important for stabilizing and thickening ingredients in salad dressings, foods, and beverages. In pharmaceutical products, tragacanth is used as a binding agent.

Geographic Distribution: Astragalus species which is found in Iran, Asia Minor and Syria. The most important suppliers of tragacanth gum in the world are in the first Iran, then Turkey and Syria. Iran produce the best kind of tragacanth gum in the world

Tragacanth gum export

Tragacanth gum export are easily done by us. contact us.

Exporter of Medicinal Plants in IranMaleki Commercial Co
Phone 989025791893+


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