Home - Katira producing species, properties and product selling types of Katira

Katira producing species, properties and product selling types of Katira

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گونه های مولد صمغ کتیرا

The most common Katira gum producing species are listed below. Katira is a gum which is collected from the stem of the Gavan plant

Katira gum producing species

The most common Katira gum producing species are listed below:

  • Astragalus Echidna Bunge.
  • Astragalus Echindaeformis Sirjev.
  • Astragalus Floccosun Boiss.
  • Astragalus Gossypinus Fischer.
  • Astragalus Hypsogeton Bunge.
  • Astragalus Longistylus Bunge.
  • Astragalus Verus Oliver
  • Astragalus Myriacanthus Boiss.
  • Astragalus Microcephalus Wild.
  • Astragalus Meschedensis Bunge.

Katira gum properties

Katira is gum which is extracted from the astragal stem. This gum runs out either naturally or in response to a stem wounding or cut and will be in a short period.

Katira gum is marketed is in types:

  • Yellow Katira: This type of gum is strip like compounds and smoke shape.
  • White Katira: This type is like an expanded cloth, central or side parts of the gum are raised.
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