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Salep root

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Export and import of Salep (Orchis mascula) root

What is Salep (Orchis mascula)?

The Salep, scientifically known as Orchis mascula L., is a rare and endangered medicinal plant highly demanded by buyers worldwide due to its exceptional properties.

This plant belongs to the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and grows predominantly in mountainous and humid regions.

Physical Characteristics

  • The Salep (Orchis mascula) has an average height of 60 cm, characterized by ovoid-rectangular tubers of considerable size and robust or slender stem bearing basal leaves. The plant has membranous purple pods or fine dots at its apex.
  • The leaves of the salep (Orchis mascula) are oblong-lanceolate or egg-shaped, tapering downwards and devoid of purple spots. The upper surface of the leaves is dark green, while the lower part appears dusty.
  • The inflorescence measures around 30 cm in length and is cylindrical, multi-flowered, and varies in density. The lance-shaped leaves of the inflorescence are approximately equal in size to the ovary.
  • The flowers of the salep (Orchis mascula) can be found in purple, violet, or red, with occasional instances of white blooms. The dorsal sepal is oblong and slightly rounded, forming an arch with petals, measuring up to 10 mm in length. The lateral sepals are straight and somewhat turned, adopting a diagonal rectangular or ovoid-spearhead shape with pointed ends. The petals are obliquely ovate, ranging from 6 to 9 mm in length and up to 7 mm in width. They are oriented forward or slightly downward, exhibiting a wedge-shaped, more or less convex appearance. In expanded form, the petals appear nearly circular or broadly rectangular, seldom exceeding the length, and measuring 9 to 11 mm. The petals display small villi in the center, accompanied by dark purple dots or lines. The lateral lobes are semi-ovate or lozenge-shaped, possessing slight convexity, while the middle lobe is slightly elongated and nearly quadrangular, featuring a grazed-truncate or pitted apex or pointed.
  • The root bears a cylindrical, horizontally or slightly upwardly curved ovule, approximately 12 mm in length, and similar in size to the ovary. The pedicel, which supports the flower, has an average length of 4 mm, while the anthers are pointed or shortly stinging. The ovary itself is cylindrical, complex, and glabrous, measuring about 12 mm in length.

Chemical Constituents

This plant contains a diverse range of chemical compounds:

  • Starch
  • Essential oil
  • A substance similar to Arabic-glucoside gum called Luroglucin
  • 5% glazing materials such as basorin, carbon hydrate
  • 5% protein material
  • 15% sugar percentage
  • 27% transformed starch
  • Mineral salts such as sodium chloride, phosphate, calcium

Pharmaceutical Applications

The underground tubers of the salep (Orchis mascula) can be used as the medicinal part of the plant.

Once harvested, the tubers are thoroughly washed. Subsequently, they undergo a process of boiling in water; then tubers are carefully dried.

Medicinal-therapeutic properties
  • Emenagogue (induces menstruation)
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Body strengthener
  • Sexual ability booster
  • Nerve tonic
  • Increases sperm production
  • Treatment for asthma
  • Treatment for colds
  • Treatment for respiratory diseases
  • Treatment for intestinal inflammation
  • Chest softener
  • Relieves cough
Uses of the Salep (Orchis mascula)

This plant’s powder is used in making sweets and preparing energy drinks.

  • In Turkey, there is a famous drink called Salab, which is composed of the rood powder Salab Misri (salam Mishri), salab panja (salam panja), milk, and cinnamon powder. This drink is very popular in Turkey and Syria.
  • The use of Salep (Orchis mascula) has been popular since ancient times, especially among the ancient Romans and the Ottoman Empire.
  • The ancient Romans made different drinks from the roots of this plant, which they called the magic of masculinity and libido, and they believed it brought joy to life.
  • In the Ottoman Empire, this plant was used as a fattening drink for women before marriage, and its consumption was very common before the popularity of tea and coffee.
  • In England, the powder of this plant was mixed with water and flavored with rose water or orange blossom.
  • In India, this plant is widely used, and it is mixed with substances that are very effective for increasing libido and sperm strength in men.
Use method:
  • Herbal Tea: Pour 50 g of Salep (Orchis mascula) into 0.5 L of boiling water, let it brew, and then filter it before consumption.
  • Salep (Orchis mascula) dust: Soak this plant root overnight in cold water. After soaking, chop it and store it at a temperature of 50 °C. Then, dry and grind it.
  • Salep (Orchis mascula) jelly: Mix 15 g of this plant with 125 g of sugar and 400 g of water. Heat the mixture until it reaches the boiling point. After it cools down, add rose water and refrigerate it.
The Salep (Orchis mascula) root price in Iran:

Maleki Commercial exports the pure root of Salab Misri (salam Mishri) and salab panja  (salam panja) under the Elliso Sky brand to Europe, Asia, and America at the best price and has gained the satisfaction of many customers.

 The Largest Supplier of Salab Misri (salam Mishri) and salab panja  (salam panja) in Iran:

For commercial gum production of this plants’gum, Maleki Commercial, skilled operators engage in exploitation in mountainous areas of Iran with the best quality. Customer satisfaction and commitment to selling high-quality Salep (Orchis mascula) are fundamental principles of this holding.

Maleki Commercial is the world’s largest commercial producer of Salep (Orchis mascula).

The Largest Exporter of Salab Misri (salam Mishri) and salab panja  (salam panja) in Iran and the World:

Maleki Commercial is the largest direct exporter of Salep (orchis mascula) in Iran and globally. Depending on the type of buyer’s needs, this company exports the best quality Salep (orchis mascula) in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.


Global Export of Salab Misri (salam Mishri) and salab panja (salam panja):

Maleki Commercial is a global exporter of Salep (Orchis mascula) with the most effective ingredients and the best quality and price among all other Salep (Orchis mascula) -exporting companies. The company with significant success in exporting foxes to different countries without mediums.

If you need Salab Misri (salam Mishri) and Salab panja (salam panja), you can confidently obtain the best quality with reliable packaging from Maleki Commercial.

Linguistic Nomenclature of Salep (Orchis mascula):
  • Latin: Ferula assa -foetida L, rubricaulis Boiss
  • Scientific: Ferula assa-foetida
  • German: Asandisteckenkraut
  • English: Asafoetida, Asant, Assa-foetida Plant, Asafetida, Gum asafetida
  • French: Assa-foetida, Ferula asafetida
  • Hindi: Hing
  • Arabic: Anjdan, Haltit Tabib, Haltit Mentan, Shagarat Abu Kabir, Shagarat Al-Haltit
  • Persian: Salab, Asafoetida , Corncoma, Anguzakma, Shudma, Angard


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