Home - Supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and exporter of Milk Thistle Seed

Supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and exporter of Milk Thistle Seed

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Wholesale &Bulk Milk Thistle Seed Whole

Supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and exporter of Milk Thistle Seed

Milk Thistle Seed is a highly demanded and widely exported medicinal plant in global markets. The factors influencing the supply and demand for medicinal plants include:

– Demanders

– Suppliers

– Producers

– Market needs

Market classification

Markets types

– International market

– Industrial market

– Government market

– Intermediary market

– Consumer market

– Export market

Export market

This market comprises the export of goods from one country to another and is characterized by high competition. Export serves as an operationalization of entry into the global market.

Exporting objectives

– Increase production and reduce the price of commodities

– Enhance the economic growth rate of the country

– Expand international communication networks

– Establish brand recognition for a country’s commodities

– Increase competition in domestic and foreign production markets

Exporter companies’ classification in the export market

Exporter companies Contribution to the export markets
Market leaders 40%
Market challengers 30%
Market followers 20%
Market specialists 20%


Export marketing

Marketing Definition

Marketing is defined as branding and persuading customers to purchase products and services. Export marketing determines the needs of foreign customers and the location of product sales. This includes market research, selection of target markets, customer communication, and public relations.

Supplie % 100 Pure And Organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

Supplie % 100 Pure And Organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

In export marketing, the political, social, cultural, and customer-related needs of the target country are taken into account when selling the product.

The production of goods and services is not as valuable as marketing; without a sales market, production declines, and manufacturing facilities may close.

Marketing plays a decisive role in exports. With industrial, technological, cultural, political, and economic changes, marketing methods have also evolved.

For effective marketing, a business plan must be developed by specialists.

Business Plan

A business plan is a written document that describes the company’s objectives and specialized planning, determining the company’s future activities.

Export Plan

An export plan emphasizes international markets, focusing on the activities the company intends to undertake.

Export methods

– Outright  export

– Temporary export

– Swap export

– Re-export

– International Transit

Outright export

The removal of goods from customs for sale, use, or consumption outside the customs territory is known as Outright export. If the quantity of goods or services sent is large, it is termed a commercial Outright export; if the quantity is small and for marketing purposes, it is a non-commercial Outright export.

This export type has specific HS Codes, Incoterms, invoices, payment methods, taxes, and regulations in the country of origin and destination.

Temporary export

The removal of goods from the customs territory for exhibition, processing, repair or sampling abroad and the return of the goods to the country of origin within a certain period of time is referred to as temporary exportation.

Swap export

To save on transportation costs and capitalize on export opportunities, the production of a domestic unit of output is exported from a border near the production facility. Simultaneously, the demand within the domestic market for that commodity is met by importing it at a favorable price from a nearby border.


If imported goods that have been cleared through customs are exported to a third country without changing their form and adding value, this is referred to as re-export.

Re-exports that are processed via free zone ports or customs-protected warehouses are exempt from customs duties.

International transit

The transportation of foreign goods from the country of manufacture through other countries to the country of destination is known as international transit. The transit of goods in international transit through the customs of intermediate countries results in net revenue for those countries (the owner of the goods must pay customs duties for transit through each country).

Required documents for International Transit

– Purchase invoice

– Legal guarantee

– Bill of lading

– Packing list

– Bank permit

– Commercial card copy

– Import permit for transit goods

– Road CHR guide and passport

– Power of attorney or introduction letter

Maleki Commercial exports medicinal plants, plant essences, and gums to Europe and America through international transit.

The best quality organic Milk Thistle Seed is offered by our company. You can ensure the quality of the organic seeds from Maleki Commercial, to purchase organic Milk Thistle Seed.

Botanical characteristics of Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is a biennial herbaceous plant, up to 120 cm in height, completely hairless, with a short or long stem. This plant typically has a simple stem or is branched from the base, leafy or tufted, with the upper part almost leafless.

The leaves of this plant are basal, measuring 12 cm wide and 30 cm long. The stem leaves have a spiky base and are closely attached to the stem, which has a rectangular outline with spiny lobes. These lobes are wide and triangular, with thorny teeth. The upper leaves are very small, while the culms are single and terminal with broad spines or turned-back spines, measuring 12, 8, and 6 cm in diameter. The collar of this plant is spherical and compressed with a humped base. The leaves are herbaceous and leathery, with the outer ones being broadly ovate to circular and bearing spines 1 to 5 cm long. The leaves also have lanceolate shapes with densely comb-spiny edges, while the inner leaves are spear-shaped.

The flowers are purple-red, and the achene-like fruit is 6-7 mm long. The bracts of this plant are almost twice the size of the fruit.

Milk thistle fruit contains an active ingredient called silymarin, which helps repair damaged liver cells and prevents the destruction of new cells.

Chemical composition of organic Milk Thistle Seed

– Fixed oil

– Volatile oil

– Organic acids

– Alkaloids

– Apigenin

– Betaine

– Proteins

– Phytomelanin

– Fatty acids (linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid)


Minerals in Milk Thistle
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
Beta carotene
Alpha carotene


This plant’s seeds contain 1.5-3% silymarin, which is a group of compounds known as flavonolignans.

The most important flavonolignan is silymarin, and other flavonolignan elements in silymarin include:

– Dihydrosilymarin

– Silymarin dianin

– Silymarin christin

– Isosilybin

Milk Thistle products

– Milk Thistle essential oil

– Liquid extract

– Herbal Tea

– Capsules

– Tincture

Geographical distribution

Global distribution

This plant originates from the Mediterranean region and grows in dry, sunny environments across Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.

Distribution in Iran

It grows as a weed along roadsides and fields in the provinces of Bushehr, Khuzestan, Gilan, Golestan, Mazandaran, Azerbaijan, Kermanshah, Ilam, and Yasuj.

Medicinal properties

– Calming

– Anti-cancer

– Anti-allergy

– Antioxidant

– Anti-prostate

– Antiviral

– Anticonvulsant

– Menstrual regulator

– Fat reducer

– Digestive aid

– Jaundice treatment

– Hepatitis treatment

– Hemorrhoid treatment

– Depression treatment

– Acne treatment

– Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease treatment

– Skin rejuvenation

– Collagen production

– Increased bile flow

– Increased milk production in lactating women

– Reduced symptoms of psoriasis

Silymarin and silibinin protect the liver. However, this plant can be harmful to animals because of its nitrate content. When consumed, nitrates convert to nitrites in the body, leading to stomach swelling, oxygen deprivation, tremors, convulsions, breathing problems, weakness, and ultimately death. The blood of affected animals may change color, turning from brown-red to dark brown.

Milk Thistle Seed and Liver Disease Treatment

What is the Liver?

The liver, positioned beneath the diaphragm in the upper abdominal area, is considered the largest internal organ of the human body. It weighs around 1.5 kg and resembles an incomplete cone in shape.

Functions of the Liver

– Production and secretion of bile

– Blood purification

– Iron storage

– Vitamin and mineral storage

– Detoxification

– Regulation of blood amino acids

– Hormonal balance

– Glucose regulation

Liver Diseases

– Hepatitis

– Cirrhosis

– Fibrosis

– Liver cancer

– Liver failure

– Fatty liver

Medicinal properties of Milk Thistle in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis

Hepatitis is caused by alcohol consumption, autoimmune diseases, viral infections, and certain drugs and toxins. It causes inflammation and swelling in the liver tissue and occurs when the body produces antibodies against liver tissue.

Liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis refers to a condition where healthy liver tissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue, leading to impaired liver function. This scar tissue, known as cirrhosis, replaces the liver’s normal functioning cells.

This plant aids in the management of liver diseases like hepatitis, liver inflammation, and cirrhosis, helping to alleviate their symptoms and support liver health.

Milk Thistle prevents liver damage from harmful chemicals and alcohol.

Silymarin has hepatoprotective properties, repairing damaged liver cells and preventing the destruction of new liver cells.

It is more potent than vitamins E and C as an antioxidant. Standardized Milk Thistle extracts are effective in treating hepatitis B, liver diseases, cirrhosis, and liver damage from alcohol and toxins.

Furthermore, this medicinal plant has demonstrated effectiveness in treating liver complications resulting from excessive acetaminophen consumption and is often recommended for managing liver diseases. Standard capsules containing this plant extract can be safely utilized under the guidance of a specialist doctor.

Silymarin, the active component, may not be readily absorbed by the body, but its ingestion via capsules ensures rapid entry into the system, with greater concentration compared to other forms of administration.

Supplier, Manufacturer, Wholesaler & Exporter 100%Pure And Organic Milk Thistle Seed


Silymarin and increased bile flow

The gallbladder, located beneath the liver’s fourth lobe, is an organ that stores bile—a viscous, bitter liquid produced by the liver—to aid in food digestion. The liver produces bile, which is composed of the following elements:

– Water

– Albumin

– Phospholipid

– Bilirubin (bile pigments)

– Bilivardin (bile pigments)

– Bile acids

– Cholesterol

– Albumin

Milk thistle seeds are known to increase bile flow, improve gallbladder function, and help heal gallstones.

Consumption of Milk Thistle

The recommended dosage for Fruit (Seeds) of Milk Thistle is 12 to 15 g of dry seeds.

For Liver Diseases (Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and Inflammation), the recommended dosage is 200 to 400 mg of silymarin daily, as advised by a doctor.

The recommended capsule dosage is about three capsules (120 mg each) taken three times a day.

The silymarin-phosphatidylcholine complex is a new form of this plant usage and processing, which is better absorbed in the body than the dry form of milk thistle. Clinical trials have shown that this form is better absorbed by the body compared to silymarin obtained from the dry plant.

Phosphatidylcholine, a main component of cell membranes, helps silymarin adhere to the cell membrane, preventing toxic substances from entering liver cells.

– Daily Dose: 100-200 mg, taken twice a day.


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified milk thistle as a food supplement. When consumed according to instructions, it has no known side effects.

However, it acts as a laxative, so if you experience diarrhea, consume fibrous substances such as sugar, oat bran, psyllium, and pectin.

Medicinal interactions

Milk thistle can be used alongside other medicinal plants, food supplements, and medicines.

If you have any liver disorders or other medical conditions, consult your doctor before use.

Supplier of organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

Maleki Commercial is a supplier of organic milk thistle seed that is free from fertilizers, pesticides, and harmful chemicals. A portion of the milk thistle plants is cultivated in specialized farms under the expert supervision of medicinal plant specialists.

For wholesale purchases of this herbal plant, please contact our sales experts via WhatsApp or email.

Wholesale of organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

Maleki Commercial offers organic milk thistle seed of the highest quality and competitive price, available under CIF, EXW, and FCA terms, ensuring 100% satisfaction. Our seeds are packaged in standard, multi-layered bags of 10, 20, 25, and 50 kg, which are ready to be delivered to customers and buyers worldwide. We aimed to ensure customer satisfaction globally.

Manufacture of organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

A significant portion of Maleki Commercial’s farms is dedicated to the cultivation of milk thistle. All processes including production, harvesting, drying, and sorting are conducted according to global standards. The harvested product is stored in warehouses near the cultivation site, adhering to preservation standards, and ensuring year-round availability.

For purchasing our products, you can contact our experts via WhatsApp or email at any time.

Exporter of Pure and Organic Milk Thistle Seed Whole

Maleki Commercial is a producer, supplier, and exporter of organic milk thistle seed in Iran, exporting to countries such as China, South Korea, India, Vietnam, the USA, and Norway. We are prepared to send this plant and all medicinal plants and gums worldwide, ensuring quality and satisfaction.

Milk Thistle Seed price

Maleki Commercial offers organic, pure milk thistle seeds of the highest quality and active ingredients at very competitive prices compared to global standards. When you purchase our products, we promise complete satisfaction with your purchase, from the purchase until delivery.

 Supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and exporter of Milk Thistle Seed

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