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Saffron mistakes

by admin
اشتباهات زعفران

Fraud in saffron occurs by mixing it with other plants, and it is possible that other parts of the flower of the saffron plant are artificially painted.

Saffron mistakes

Saffron is often blended with counterfeiting with some herbs or it’s mistaken. These plants include:- Ligule flowers of Astraceae family Calendula officinalis colored with methyl orange or methyl red before.- Ligule flowers of Carthamus Tinctocine commonly known as Safflowerd or American saffron from Astraceae family- Ligule flowers of Onopordon Acanthium L. from Astraceae family colored artificially- Stigma of Crocus Venrus from Iridaceae family- Other parts of the saffron flower which is colored artificially

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