Home - Scented Verbena introduction and names

Scented Verbena introduction and names

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Scented Verbena is the dried leaves of Lippia Citrioodora Kunth plants from Verbenaceae family.

Scented Verbena is the dried leaves of Lippia Citrioodora Kunth plants from Verbenaceae family, which contain at least 0.5% essential oil.

Scented Verbena names

Scientific name: Lippia Citriodora Kunth

English name: Lemon Verbena, Lemon – Scented Verbena, Herb Louisa.

German name: Lemonekraut, Citronenkraut.

French name: Verveine Des Indes,Verveine Du Perou, Veveine Odorante, Citronelle.

Arabic name: Loveyse, Loveze

Persian name: Beh limoo

Note: This plant is named after Augustin Lippi, an Italian naturalist who traveled to South America in the seventeenth century and brought the plant to Europe.

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