Home - All information about cultivation of Echium Amoenum (Persian Borage)

All information about cultivation of Echium Amoenum (Persian Borage)

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All information about cultivation of Echium Amoenum (Persian Borage)

What is Persian Borage?

Export Persian Borage: Persian Borage is a plant with the scientific name of Echium Amoenum Fisch. & C. A. Mey which is very popular in the global market.

Medicinal Part

Flowers, flower stalk, and leaves

Geographical Distribution
Global Distribution

Iran and Caucasia

Distribution in Iran

Gilan, Azerbaijan, Qazvin, and Gorgan

Cultivation Time
  • This plant is cultivated in spring and autumn.
  • The best time for sowing is autumn, and 4 kg of seeds per hectare are needed.
  • The seeds germinate in 5 to 21 days at 21 ° C.
  • If the planting area is not cold in winter, the sowing date is from early March to June.
  • The best cultivation time is autumn because the plant reaches the flowering stage in May.
Climatic Conditions for Cultivation

This plant grows in semi-humid and cold mountainous climates. The planting depth is 12 cm. The row and plant spacings are 60-70 cm and 40-50 cm, respectively.

The Most Important Pest of Borage

Leafworm is one of the common pests of this plant that causes a lot of damage to farmers.

It is better to use biological pest control instead of chemical pesticides.

Harvest Time

Late April to early June

How to Harvest  Persian Borage?
  • Harvest borage flowers in the morning immediately before opening or after opening when the dew has dried.
  • The harvested flowers are spread on plastic surfaces and covered with cloth because drying the flowers in the shade will help preserve the oils of the plant.
  • White peduncle and purple petals show the high quality of the flowers.
  • About 250 to 350 kg of dried flowers is obtained from each ton of fresh flowers.
Applications of Persian Borage
  • Food industries as salads, jams, salad dressings, and teas
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Traditional medicine
Medicinal-Therapeutic Properties of Persian Borage
  • Treatment of cough, bronchitis and respiratory diseases
  • Treatment of cold
  • Treatment of arthropathy
  • Blood purification
  • Treatment of dyspnea / shortness of breath
  • Reducing stress
  • Sedative
  • Diuretic
  • Antipyretic
  • Note: Please consult your doctor before using this plant for treatment.
Supplier Persian Borage in Iran

Maleki commercial Group exports the best quality Persian Borage  according to the needs of the customers in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, and CIF.

Maleki commercial Group, the Largest Exporter of Persian Borage

Maleki commercial Group is the largest direct exporter of Persian Borage in Iran and Asia. Maleki commercial Group exports the best quality Persian Borage according to the needs of the customers in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, and CIF.

For bulk purchase, can contact our consulting department.

Global Exports of Persian Borage

Maleki commercial Group is the global exporter of Persian Borage with the most active compounds along with the best quality and price among all companies exporting this plant. This holding has achieved considerable success in exporting this plant to various countries without intermediaries.

If you need this high-quality export plant, you can confidently obtain the best quality from Maleki commercial Group with safe and standard packaging.

The Price of Persian Borage in Iran

Maleki commercial Group Export Persian Borage to Europe, Asia, and America under the brand of Elisso Sky, and has attracted customer satisfaction worldwide.

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