Home - Chemical composition of scented Verbena

Chemical composition of scented Verbena

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ترکیبات شیمیایی به لیمو

The major component of Scented Verbena leaves are essential oil (0.5%). Neral, Limonen and Geraniol are present in essential oil.

Chemical composition of Scented Verbena

The major component of Scented Verbena leaves are essential oil (0.5%). This essential oil is lighter than water, yellow to green in color and smells like lime.

Major components of the foreign samples essential oil are citral, cineol, limonene and geraniol. These components in Iranian samples are neral, limonene, geraniol, 1-Octen 3-O and α-curcumene.

Flavonoids from metoxy flavone group such as salvigenin, eupatorin, diosmetin and luteolin are reported in leaves. Other natural compounds in leaves are triterpenes, mucilage and tannins.

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