Home - Damask Rose (Persian Rose)

Damask Rose (Persian Rose)

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All Information about Damask Rose (Persian Rose)

What is Persian Rose?

Persian Rose is a plant with the scientific name of Rosa Damascena Mill, from the genus Rosaceae. It is one of the most valuable export plants because of producing one of the most expensive essential oils known as ‘Liquid Gold’.

Plant Specifications

It is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 1-2 meters. The stems are densely armed with stout, curved prickles and stiff bristles. The leaves are pinnate, with 5-7 ovate, rectangular, and serrated leaflets with a length of 2-6 cm. The petioles are prickly, and the leaves are dark green. The roses are in pink and red colors in two rows with hairy petioles. The fruits are ovate, 2.50 cm long, barbate, and red.

Plant Names
  • Scientific: Rosa Damascena Mill
  • English: Damask Rose, Bulgarian Rose, Tag –Tsi, Tag-Tse Meto, Moroccan Rose, York & Lancaster Rose, Persian Rose, Monthly Rose
  • German: Roos, Damaszenerrose
  • Italian: Rosa Di Damasco, Rosa Damaschina
  • French: Rose De Damas, R.De Tous les Mois
Medicinal Part


Geographical Distribution

Global Distribution

This plant is cultivated in most parts of the world, but in terms of the amount of essential oil and fragrance, Persian Rose is the best species worldwide.

Distribution in Iran

Fars, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Kashan, Gorgan, Isfahan, Tehran, and Yazd

  • Cosmetics
  • Food industries
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Perfumery
Medicinal-Therapeutic Properties of Persian Rose
  • Laxative
  • Carminative
  • Anti- flatulent
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-parasite
  • Wound healer
  • Anti-depression
  • Anxiolytic
  • Appetizer
  • Aphrodisiac‎
  • treatment of conspitation
  • Treatment of skin problems
  • Treatment of Stomatitis
  • Treatment of pharyngitis
  • Treatment of bronchitis
  • Treatment of asthma
  • Treatment of Tuberculosis
  • Healing stomach ulcers
  • Heart tonic
  • Sympathicotonic
  • Stomach calmative
  • Alleviation of anal pain
  • Reduction of excess bile
  • Treatment of Epilepsy

Add some of the petals of Persian Rose in half a liter of boiling water, filter it after steaming, and drink.

Do not exceed the maximum daily consumption of three cups.

Note: Please consult your doctor before taking this herb for treatment.

Supplier Damask Rose (Persian Rose) in Iran

Maleki Commercial exports the best quality Damask Rose (Persian Rose)  bud And Petal in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF according to the customers’ demands.

Maleki Commercial the Largest Exporter Damask Rose (Persian Rose)

Maleki Commercial is the largest direct exporter Damask Rose (Persian Rose) in Iran and Asia.

Maleki Commercial exports the best quality Damask Rose (Persian Rose) bud and petal  in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF according to the customers’ demands.

You can contact our consultants for bulk purchase.

Global Exports Damask Rose (Persian Rose)

Maleki Commercial is the global exporter Damask Rose (Persian Rose) bud and petal with the most active ingredients and the best quality and price among all companies exporting this plant. This holding has achieved great success in exporting Damask Rose (Persian Rose) to various countries without intermediaries.

If you require export Damask Rose  of the highest quality, you can confidently provide it from Maleki Commercial with safe and standard packaging.

The Price Damask Rose (Persian Rose) in Iran

Maleki Commercial exports Damask Rose (Persian Rose) bud and petal to Europe, Asia, and the United States under the Elisso Sky brand with the best price and quality, meeting customers’ expectations and satisfaction.

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