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What is Asafoetida?

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What is Asafoetida?

Asafoetida exporter : Asafoetida local names, Asafoetida scientific names in international languages


The resinous gum from the rhizome and the root of Ferula assa-foetida from the Apiaceae family has a sharp odor like garlic odor, which is locally called fingers in some regions of Iran, including Isfahan.

Asafoetida plant names
  • Scientific name:Ferula assa¬-foetida
  • Latin name:.Ferula assa –foetida L,F.rubricaulis Boiss
  • English name: Asafoetida,Asant,Assa-foetida Plant,Asafetida,Gum asafetida.
  • French name: Assa-foetida,Ferula asafetida
  • German name:Asandisteckenkraut
  • Persian name: آنغوزه، آنقوزه، کورن کما، آنگوزاکما، خوراکما، انگرد
  • Arabic name: انجدان، حلتیت طبیب، حلتیت منتن، شجرة ابوکبیر، شجرة الحلتیت.
Asafoetida resin morphology

Specifications of gum and How to prepare gum

Asafoetida resin morphology

The herb is a perennial herbaceous grass, its roots are a bit thick and meaty, the stem is 100 to 200 cm high, flowers are yellow and appear umbellate group at the end of the stem. The fruit has two seeds, dark brown and dark black, oval shape, widespread and smell very bad.

 Asafoetida resin

The sap of the Asafoetida plant is removed from the root or stem or the cuttings of the Asafoetida plants, but the best of it comes from the final cutting. The plant has two types of bitter and sweet resin types.

Asafoetida resin types

Gum is available in two types namely, tear like and mass like

Tear like type: The rarest and highest quality type is white, gray, reddish or brown (some specimens change color reddish-brown in the course of time, while the rest remain in gray or yellowish color). Smooth and transparent, very clean, free of dirt and leaves.

Mass like types: The most common commercial form that is uncarefully collected and mixed with soil and leaves. This type is poor in quality, its taste is bitter and unpleasant, and it appears in different colors of yellow, brownish red and brown.

Geographical distribution and time and method of collecting

Asafoetida is a native to Iran and Afghanistan, and the time of the blasting begins from early May to mid-June.

Native to Iran And Afghanistan

Distribution in Iran: In hot and dry mountainous regions with a height of more than 1500 meters. Bitter Asafoetida is found in Fars and Kerman provinces and sweet Asafoetida in the provinces of Yazd and Khorasan.

Time of collection: For tropical areas, it begins in early May and in other areas starting mid-May. The operation period may also be up to 100 days.

Collecting method: In the areas where the plant is located, the stage of wrapping begins before the aerial part turns yellow. At this stage, one or two leafs attached to the collar of the plant are placed on the opposite side and a rock will be placed on to protect it from sunlight and rain.

After the leaves turn yellow, the killing stage begins. The dry leaves are removed around the collar with a knife and depleted to a depth of 15 to 10 cm. The collar of the plant is placed in the middle of the well, the plant is then removed. The root will be covered with soft soil and leaves placed on the site of the plant. Two weeks later, the blasting process begins. The scraping effect is performed at 15-12 times at 7 to 5 day intervals.

Chemical composition and important compounds and its uses and applications

The therapeutic effects of Asafoetida are disinfectant and the root of has arazinotanol, ferulic acid, and gum containing tannin.

The root of the plant F. asa foetida contains arazinotanol, ferulic acid, essential oil, pinene, azolene, mucilage, basorin, and etc. There is a large amount of tannin (about 60%) and about 20% gum and from 5 to 4% of the essential oil in the gum. In some tear samples, the essential oil content is up to 15%. The Asafoetida essential oilis yellow with a sharp smell of garlic odor. The odor is due to the presence of sulfur compounds that forms more than 50% of the essential oil.


Medicinal uses and applications: The most important therapeutic effects of Asafoetida are: anti-adhesion of the platelets, antiseptic, anti-spasm, analgesic, allergic, antitumor, sexual enhancer, digestive, diuretic, sputum, fungicide, laxative, blood pressure lowering, respiratory stimulus and is a stomach enhancer, stimulant and augmentor of the womb and crease.

It is also used as a spice in food and cosmetics industries.

The leaves are anti-crease, anti-digestive disorders and septive, and anti-fever. It has been treated with vinegar and used for abortion. Asafoetida is also used in the treatment of asthma, pertussis, respiration, and bovine plague.

Pharmacological effects of the Asafoetida and the manner and amount of ingestion of the Asafoetida and the prohibition of its use.

Asafoetida prevents blood clotting and reduces blood pressure and blood sugar, which is stored in a cool place.

In research on animals, Asafoetida has been shown to prevent blood clotting and lower blood pressure. The effects of reducing its blood glucose are also highlighted.

Application method and dose

0.3-1 grams of powder three times a day, tincture or alcoholic extract (1 to 5 in alcohol 70 degrees) 2 to 4 ml 3 times a day.

Contraindications: Pregnant women, in lactating women (in consultation with the doctor) and children

Storing conditions: Keep in a cool place.

Asafoetida mistakes: Fake types are sometimes mixed with fruit, root parts and soil.

Global export of َAsafoetida gum

Maleki commercial is the global exporter of Asafoetida gum with highest active substances, best quality and price among all exporting companies. This big commercial has gain an incredible success in offering this medicinal genus to different countries directly.

If you need this precious high quality plant, you can order standard and confident packages with high level of trust.

Biggest Asafoetida exporter in Iran and over the world

Maleki commercial is the biggest direct Asafoetida gum exporter in Iran and all over the world. This commercial offers the best quality Asafoetida gum in form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF based on customer demand.

For major purchase, you may call our advisors.

Biggest Asafoetida supplier in Iran

For producing Asafoetida gum, professional harvesting experts are trained to collect the gum from different regions of Iran with best qualities. Customer satisfaction and high quality gum trading is counted as the commitments of this big commercial. Maleki commercial is the biggest producer of Asafoetida exporter gum across the world.


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