Home - Henna Medicinal characteristics and medicinal part

Henna Medicinal characteristics and medicinal part

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مشخصات گیاه حنا

Henna is tree or shrub plant, 2-7 meters high, not hairy with young juvenile branches including 2 medicinal parts namely fruit and leaves.

Medicinal characteristics

Calyx length is 3-5 mm. flower corolla is much bigger than calyx,

white or very bright yellow at first which turns red afterwards.

Henna is tree or shrub plant, 2-7 meters high,

not hairy with young juvenile branches usually 4 dimensional, young branches non thorny but old branches often thorny.

Leaves opposite, 12-67 cm long and 5-27 cm wide, ovate and or wide pointed, pinnate veins, relatively network like and narrows toward petiole.

Medicinal part

Leaves (dried)

Fruits (dried)

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