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Herbs in Joint and Bone Pain Relief

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The Effect of Herbs in Joint and Bone Pain Relief

Arthralgia or joint pain is one of the most common complications in the elderly, and many people across the world spend a lot of money to treat joint pain every year.

What is Joint Pain?

The joints make the connection between the bones, and their most important function is to facilitate movement.

Any damage to the joints due to illness or accident can lead to pain and make it difficult to move.

What Causes Joint pain?
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Bone fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Leukemia
  • Bone tumor
  • Rickets‎ in children, particularly due to vitamin D deficiency

Medicinal Herbs for Bone and Joint Pain Relief

  1. Ginger

Ginger is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases, particularly in traditional medicine. The scientific name of ginger is Zingiber Officinale Rosc. This plant is native to India and grows in Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Medicinal – Therapeutic Properties of Ginger
  • Bone and joint pain relief
  • Muscle spasm treatment
  • Headache relief
  • Antitussive and anti-inflammatory
  • Treatment of influenza
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Stimulating blood circulation
How to Use Ginger for Joint Pain Relief

Add two tablespoons of ginger powder into half a liter of boiling water and brew it. Strain the tea and mix with honey before drinking.

  1. Rosemary

This plant is native to Europe and is grown in most parts of the world, including Iran and Asia Minor. The scientific name of this herb is Rosmarinus Officinalis L.

Medicinal – Therapeutic Properties of Rosemary
  • Bone pain relief
  • Muscle spasm treatment
  • Rheumatic pain relief
  • Nervous pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Muscle pain relief
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Treatment of dysmenorrhea
  • Treatment of hepatitis and bile duct obstruction
How to Use Rosemary for Bone and Joint Pain Relief

Add some rosemary leaves into half a liter of boiling water and brew it. Strain the tea before drinking. Do not exceed the maximum of three cups a day.

Maleki Commercial is the largest exporter of rosemary leaves and essential oil in Iran and Asia.

 You can contact our consulting department for bulk purchase.
  1. Nettle (Common Nettle)

Nettle has many extraordinary properties and is widely recommended and used in traditional medicine. The scientific name of this plant is Urtica Dioica L.

Medicinal – Therapeutic Properties of Nettle
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Bone pain relief
  • Treatment of arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis pain relief
  • Anti-AIDS virus
  • Stimulating the uterus
  • Treatment of prostatitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief
How to Use Nettle for Joint Pain Relief

Add some nettle leaves into half a liter of boiling water and brew it. Strain the tea before drinking. Do not exceed the maximum of three cups a day.

Maleki Commercial is the largest exporter of nettle leaves in Iran and Asia.

 You can contact our consulting department for bulk purchase.

  1. Field Horsetail

The field horsetail is a plant with two types of non-reproductive and fertile stems. The sterile non-reproductive stems are green and have sheaths that bear attenuate teeth. The fertile stems have green leaves and an apical black spore cone.

The scientific name of this plant is Equisetum Arvense L. The medicinal part of this plant is its non-reproductive stem.

Medicinal – Therapeutic Properties of Field Horsetail
  • Bone pain relief
  • Treatment of rheumatism
  • Treatment of arthritis complications
  • Treatment of rickets
  • Treatment of osteoarthritis
  • Treatment of shin splints
  • Treatment of dysmenorrhea
  • Healing bone fractures
How to Use Field Horsetail for Bone Pain Relief

Add two tablespoons of the plant powder into half a liter of water. Strain the tea before drinking.

  1. Oleaster

Oleaster or Russian olive is a small tree growing to 5–7 m in height. The branches are bright, and the leaves are lanceolate or ovate. The flowers are creamy yellow and fragrant.Fruits, leaves, and flowers form the medicinal part of this plant. The scientific name of oleaster is Elaeagnus Angustifolia L.

Medicinal – Therapeutic Properties of Oleaster
  • Healing fractures
  • Facilitating osteoporosis treatment
  • Joint healing
  • Facilitating osteoarthritis treatment
  • Treatment of diarrhea and asthma
  • Treatment of frequent urination
  • Relieving acute cough and shortness of breath
How to Use Oleaster for Joint Pain Relief

Add one spoon of oleaster powder into a glass of milk and drink with honey.

Note: Consult your physician before taking any of the herbs recommended for bone pain relief

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