Home - Oxtongue flower types and species and growing habit (part 3)

Oxtongue flower types and species and growing habit (part 3)

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Oxtongue flower types

8 species are found around the world:

– Buglosse Officinalis called Buglosse in French. Leaves have dip cuts and flowers are blue.

Growth habit: France, Italy and etc.

  • Trichodesma AfricanumBr, called Trichodesme and Bourrache Sauvage in French and African Borage in English.

This plant is from Boraginaceae family. The leaves are oval, oblong and covered with white needles. Its flowers are blue and in the bottom are yellow and brown spots.Growth habit: Iran and India-Caccinia Carssifolia (Vent) O.Keentz syn. Caccinia Glauca Sav.This plant is from Boraginaceae family and similar properties. Growth habit: Around Tehran, Azarbaijan, Kerman, Khorasan, Arak and etc.Trichodesma Indicum R.Br. and T. Zeylanicum R.Br. these two species grow in India and it is called Indian Oxtongue flower.

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