Home - Persian gum (zedo)

Persian gum (zedo)

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What is Persian gum (zedo)?

Zedo Gum: It is a gum that is exuded from the wild almond tree (Amygdalus Scoparia Spach) of the Rosaceae family.

What are plant gums?

Gums are plant exudates that are produced either spontaneously or by cutting the tree trunks.

Gums have a water-soluble polysaccharide structure that is capable of producing high-viscosity products at low concentrations.

The most important plant exudates:
  1. Resin
  2. Gum
  3. Manna
Physical properties of Persian gum (zedo)

It is a clear, light gum in three colors, amber yellow, light yellow, and reddish brown, used as a stabilizer, emulsifier, and enhancer in food industry.

Different colors of this gum has different rheological, chemical, and physical properties and, therefore, the color can be used for the qualitative classification.

The lighter and clearer the color and the larger the size, the more the commercial value.

The concentration of this gum is higher than gum arabic and less than gum tragacanth.

This gum is very similar in appearance to gum arabic and in international trade, Persian gum is also called gum arabic, but in terms of species, Gum arabic is completely different from Persian gum (zedo).

Chemical compounds of Persian gum (zedo)

This gum is composed of protein, moisture, carbohydrates, zinc, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, tannins, and potassium.

This gum is an acidic gum with an average pH of 4.4 ww, protein of 0.20% ww, lipid of 0.20% ww, water absorption capacity 12.65 g/g, and cold water insoluble gel of 71% w/w.

The viscosity of Persian gum (zedo) widely ranges from about 60 centipoises at a concentration of 0.5% to 3800 centipoises at a concentration of 0.5%.

The concentration of this gum is higher than gum arabic and lower than gum tragacanth.

Zedo gum has the water solubility property and consists of two soluble and insoluble components.

Zedo gum names
  • Scientific name: Amygdalus Communis L
  • English: Zedo gum, Persion gum
Geographical distribution
Global distribution

This plant is native to Iran and is found in North Africa, Southwest Asia and the Balkan Peninsula.

Distribution in Iran

It grows in Fars, Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari, Kurdistan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Bushehr, Khuzestan, Yazd, Tehran, and Ilam.

Collection time

August and September

Medicinal properties
  • Thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifiers in food industry (beverages, dairy, confectionery, sauces and frozen products)
  • Preparation of diet products
  • Textile industry (ship insulation to prevent moisture penetration)
  • Adhesive industry
  • Lithography
  • Treatment of bladder stones
  • Pharmacology
  • Appetizer
  • Treatment of swollen joints
  • Treatment of parasites


Maleki Commercial Company, the largest exporter of zedo gum (Persian gum)

Maleki Commercial Company is the largest direct exporter of zedo gum (Persian gum) in Iran and Asia. Maleki Commercial Company exports the best quality of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) according to the customer needs in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.

For bulk purchasing, you can contact our consultants.

Supplier of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) in Iran

For the commercial production of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) in Maleki Commercial Company, the best seed varieties of this plant with very high potency are cultivated under the supervision of professional experts in this plant.

Maleki Commercial Company is the largest supplier of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) at competitive prices in Iran and the world.

Exporter of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) in Iran

Maleki Commercial Company exports the best quality of Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) according to the customer needs in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.

Global export of Persion Gum

Maleki Commercial Company is the global exporter of this plant with the highest active ingredients and the best quality and price among all companies exporting this plant. This holding company has achieved great success in exporting this plant to various countries without intermediaries.

If you need this high-quality export plant, you can confidently get the best quality from Maleki Commercial Company with safe and standard packaging.


Persion Gum ( Zedo Gum) price in Iran

Maleki Commercial Company exports pure Persion Gum (zedo ) at the best price under the Elisso Sky brand to Europe, Asia, and the United States, and has gained many customers’ satisfaction.


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