Home - Pharmacological effects and therapeutic information of Galbanum

Pharmacological effects and therapeutic information of Galbanum

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اطلاعات درمانی باریجه

Pain relief, anti-bacterial, anti-fungi, dried alcoholic extract was investigated and expectorant and enhancing effects are related to it.

Pharmacological effects of Galbanum

Pain relief, anti-bacterial, anti-fungi. Dried alcoholic extract from aerial parts and roots and tear like gum and Galbanum honey investigated by pharmacologists and pain relief of roots and aerial parts was higher compared to morphine. This was equal to morphine for tear like gum and only lower for Galbanum honey. An anti-fungal effect of Galbanum in comparison to listanine was also reported.

Therapeutic information of Galbanum

This plant contains galbarzonic and galbanic acid which constitutes 40% of the whole complex. Expectorant and enhancing effects are related to these compounds.

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