Home - Saffron characteristics

Saffron characteristics

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Saffron is a perennial and low growing plant, 10-30 cm high; flowers are purple and relatively large.

Saffron characteristics

The plant is perennial and short, at a height of 10 to 30 cm, approximately spherical, leaves are long and linear, 6 to 10 and 10 cm in length, grows directly from a rattan corm underground. The flower of saffron is purple and fairly large. Inside, there are three stamens (male) and stigma, pistil and ovary (female) of saffron.The long pistil or rod leading to a three-threaded stigma extends which forms the famous stigma of saffron, in form of a red and orange fiber.Very high quality saffron is only the part of the stigma, which is the tip end of the pistil, but it often collected with stigma and often mixed which makes saffron low quality. The taste is bitter and strong in aroma.

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