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Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name:

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Yarrow Plant

Yarrow Plant and Yarrow characteristics: Dried aerial parts of Achillea Millefolium L. plant from Astraceae family which contains at least 0.25 yellow to blueish yellow active substances.

Plant names

Scientific name: Acheillea Millefolium L.

English name: Milfoil، Sanguinary، Thousand Leaf، Nosebleed، Yarrow

German name: Achillen Kraut. ،Gemeine Schafgarbe

French name: Herb Au Charpentier, Herb De Millefeuille.

Arabic name: Hezanbal, Am alf varaghe

Persian name: Boomadaran

Yarrow characteristics

The plant is a perennial herbaceous, 10 centimeters height, standing or rising, green leaves, flowers in white, pink and purple, which are accumulated in small, dense capitule flowers. Each capitule has 5 small female ligule florets, leaves are bayonet and too many divisions with sharp end.

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Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name  Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name  Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name  Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
Yarrow plant and Yarrow characteristics and Plant names Scientific name Export of Herb essential oil - Maleki Commercial Co.
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