Home - Effects of medicinal plants in constipation remedy

Effects of medicinal plants in constipation remedy

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constipation remedy: Today many people suffer this problem across the world and it is known as one of the wide spread diseases because of using fast foods, nutrients lacking fiber, low activity and completely digital lifestyle.

What is constipation?

Difficulty along with pain when evacuation excrement which is usually along with hardening and coomonly known as constipation.

People who evacuate lower than 3 times a week or excrement evacuation process takes place with pain, suffer constipation.

The reasons for constipation
  • Low activity
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of sport exercise
  • Insufficient water use
  • Nutrition regime lacking fiber
  • Hypothyroid
  • Drugs containing codeine and amitriptyline
  • Too much use of laxatives
  • Digestion disorders
  • GI upset (irritable bowel syndrome)
Signs of constipation
  • Excrement evacuation with pain
  • Excrement hardening
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Excrement evacuation lower than 3 times a week

Medicinal plants is a good low price without any side effect method for treating constipation. This paper aims to identify most important medicinal plants for this purpose briefly.

Most important medicinal plants for constipation

1- Plantago psyllium

A herbaceous annual plant, opposite leaves, membranous, sharp at the end and linear, white flowers in spikes.

Plantago seeds are the medicinal part of the plant. The scientific name is Plantago Psyllium L.

Psyllium medicinal properties
  • Laxative
  • Anti-purgative
  • Bladder inflammation remedy
  • Constipation treat
  • Helps to overcome hemorrhoids
  • Helps treat intestine problems
  • Ulcer treatment
  • Fissure disease remedy
  • Skin infection treatment

Application method for constipation:

Add a spoon of psyllium in warm water and drink. For better absorption, drink 2 glasses of water afterwards.

2- Flax (linseed)

A herbaceous annual plant, leaves 5-12 mm long, oval-ovate sepals, white flowers and yellow at the base. The scientific name is Linum Catharticun L.

Flax medicinal properties
  • Hemorrhoid remedy
  • Wormicide
  • Menstruation disorder regulation
  • Continuous constipation treatment
  • Muscular rheumatism pains relief
  • Liver pain relief
Application method for constipation:

Add one teaspoon of flax powder to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purification.

Note: pregnant women and breast feeding mothers should avoid using psyllium.

3- Senna

A perennial plant, hairless shoots, paripinnate leaves, sepals 5 numbered, flowers bright yellow, white or pink.

Leaves, flowers and fruits form the medicinal parts of the plant. The scientific name is Cassia Senna L.

Senna medicinal properties
  • Constipation treat
  • Intestine evacuation
  • Spleen disorder regulation
  • Anti-fever and anti-worm
  • Skin injury and disease remedy
  • Hair abscission booster
Application method for constipation:

Add a portion of leaves to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purifying.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of senna leaves in Iran and Asia. For order, you may call our advisors.

4- Persian fluxweed

It is used for many diseases. The scientific name is Descurainia Sophia Webb & Berth.

Fluxweed medicinal properties
  • Constipation treat
  • Diuretic
  • Worm replant
  • Laxative and anti-fever
  • Sunstroke remedy
  • Continious cough treat
  • Relaxation
  • Scurvy disease remedy
Application method for constipation:

Add 30 g fluxweed to 300 ml water and drink.

5- Damask rose

A thorny shrub, 1-2 meters height, 5-7 leaflets, dark green leaves and pink, red and purple flowers.

Petals are the medicinal part of damask rose.The scientific name is Rosa Damascena Mil.

Damask rose medicinal properties
  • Strong laxative
  • Anti-purgative
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Anti-bloating
  • Throat inflammation remedy
  • Rectum pain treat
  • Eyelid inflammation treat
  • Sex appetit enhancer
  • Nervous reinforce
  • Heart tonic
  • Appetit improvement
Application method for constipation:

constipation remedy: Add a portion of petals to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purifying.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of damask rose and organic essential oil in Iran and across the world. For main order, you may call our advisors.

6- Coffee

A small tree, opposite leaves, evergreen and odorous, white flowers in a cluster inflorescence, and fruit are oval shape and tubular flower tube.  This species does not grow in Iran and is not cultivated by now. Seeds form the medicinal organ of the plant. The scientific name is Coffea Arabica.

Coffee medicinal properties
  • Constipation remedy
  • Purgative medicine
  • Anti-spasm
  • Heart reinforce
  • Helps relief headache and migraine
  • Sex appetite enhancer
  • Asthma treat
  • Throat ach and inflammation drug
  • Tired booster
Application method for constipation:

Ground the coffee seeds and brew a spoon of powder and drink.

Note: patients with heart and vascular diseases, hyperthyroid, kidney disorders and epilepsy should avoid using coffee.

Note. Please inform your medicine advisor before using any of the plants suggested for constipation.

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