Home - medicinal plants in woman infection treatment

medicinal plants in woman infection treatment

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medicinal plants in woman infection treatment: Today woman diseases due to genetic factors, no self-sanitary observance, antibiotic use, pollution of public places like pools which imbalances the vagina pH, transgenic food usage and chemical agents in work environment, have raised different types of infections and sterility in weman and brings out a huge volume of expense for sex health remedies, fertility and physical health each year.

This paper aims to identify most important and effective medicinal plants suggested for weman infection and physical health.

1-Fennel, uterus cleaner

Fennel heights up to 2 meters, bear fleshy spindle roots like carrot, stems have parallel and basal farrows, leaves are dark green and thin like dill, yellow flowers, fruits spindle like and a sweet and odor smell.

Fennel benefits for women
  • Menstrual enhancer and increases bleeding
  • Clean the uterus
  • Increases milk in breast feeding mothers
  • Boosts vagina inflammation
  • Relives nausea
  • Reduces pain in menopause women
  • Regulates menstruation in women
  • Reduce menopause side effects
  • Prevents ovary cysts
Application method for uterus cleaning:

Add 2 spoons of fennel powder in 0.5 L boiling water and drink with honey after purification.

Note: fennel causes abortion in pregnant women.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of fennel and fennel essential oil in Iran and Asia. For order, you may call our advisors.

2-Treating vagina infection with black nigella

A dicotyledonous herbaceous annual plant with single flowers, blue, white, purple and pink.

Medicinal properties of black nigella for women
  • Menstruation enhancer
  • It is good for female sterility
  • Uterus coldness remedy
  • Useful for uterus and parturition pains
  • Prevents cancer due to antioxidant capacity
  • Anti-microbial and anti-virus and clean uterus
  • Black nigella use will regulates ovulation

It has a folic acid similar effect and thus useful for women suffering ovary weakness

Application method for ovary reinforcement:

Mix one spoon of black nigella powder with 0.5 Kg honey ant eat 1 spoon after breakfast every day.

Note: Black nigella is not good for pregnant and warm mood women.

3-Rosemary; itching remedy for women

  • Treats vagina itching
  • Relaxing and reduces stress
  • Menstruation regulation in women
  • Relives menstruation pains in women
  • Prevents cancer due to antioxidant capacity

Application method for vagina itching:

Add a bit of leaves to boiling water, let it cool and wash the vagina with the warm solution.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of rosemary and essential oil in Iran. For order, you may call our advisors.


Medicinal properties of oregano
  • Useful for liver
  • A natural antibiotic
  • Relives digestion disorders
  • Oregano herbal tea relives menstruation pains
  • Treats vaginal fungal infection
  • Appetite enhancer
  • Relives stomach pain

Oregano herbal tea preparation: add a portion of leaves to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purification.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of oregano in Iran. For order, you may call our advisors.

Note: please use all mentioned plants after consulting with your medicine advisor.

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