Home - Nabk Tree names and Nabk tree characteristics

Nabk Tree names and Nabk tree characteristics

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Dried leaves of the Zizyphus Spina- Christi (L) wild. Plant and belong to Rhamnaceae family.

Nabk Tree names

Scientific name: Zizyphus Spina – Christi (L) Wild.  

English name: Nabk Tree, Christs Thorn.

German name: Chrristdorn, Christdornbrustbeere

French name: Epine Du Christ, Nabca.

Arabic name: Al-sedr, Shajar-al-nabagh

Persian name: Sedr, Sedreh, Zaal, Senjed Gorji, Manbal Davood, Neem, Konar

Nabk tree characteristics

Nabk tree is a tree form plant with 12-15 meters height, evergreen with a round to ovate canopy which the diameter sometimes to 15 meters, rarely a shrub. The small fruits are odor with Persian olive dimensions, it turns red and yellow after ripening. Grounded leaves of Konar tree are called Sedr and it is available in market with same name.

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