Home - pomegranate Persian Miracle of Nature

pomegranate Persian Miracle of Nature

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گلنار فارسی

What is Persian pomegranate tree?

The other synonym of Persian pomegranate tree is pomegranate flower, but it is male tree and fruit set does not occur.

Pomegranate tree properties?

A semi-tropical plant with thorny shoots, long bright green leaves, round fruits with red pomegranate color flowers.

This tree grows in Iran, Pakistan, and Mediterranean regions, Europe, Asia and Africa.

Pomegranate medicinal organ

Persian pomegranate flower, fruit and bark are the medicinal parts of the tree.

Persian pomegranate collecting method

Pomegranate flowers are one of the most consumed and demanded products with a huge trade amount over the world.

The blooms open in mid-May and turn to red flowers by June. Producers collect these flowers and dry them out in shade.

Persian pomegranate tea odor is wonderful.

Pomegranate bark and root medicinal properties
  • Root bark is a worm killer.
  • Bark extract is effective for worm remove, anti tapeworm and Hymenolepidosis.
  • Bark and root brew drink acts as tapeworm remove.
  • Root bark is used for worm killing in India and the mixture of fruit bark with caryophill is used for diarrhea.
  • The bark is useful for throat injury remedy.
Sweet pomegranate medicinal properties
  • Astringent and diuretic
  • Reduces stomach temperature
  • Treats stomach ulcer when used with honey
  • Good for cough treat
  • Bile disorders treatment
  • Blood purifier

Sour pomegranate medicinal properties
  • Good for abnormal heart beat
  • Liver poison detoxification
  • Vomiting reduction in pregnant women
  • Causes stomach entry path inflammation
  • Note: avoid excess use of sour pomegranate because it causes stomach ulcer.
Persian pomegranate incredible properties
  • Good for mouth injuries and tooth bleeding.
  • Throat inflammation remedy
  • Menstruation bleeding reduction
  • Gum hardening
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Blood fat reduction
  • Useful for hemorrhoids bleeding prevention
  • Diabetes type 2 treatment
  • Contains high tannins and stops dysentery
  • Prevents early senescence and skin shrinkage
  • Brew gargle is useful for in mouth pimple
  • Mixure of pomegranate with lime and sea salt as mask helps skin brighting
  • Prevents cancer and heart and vascular disease due to high antioxidant capacity
Application method of Persian pomegranate as herbal tea:

Boil and brew pomegranate flowers for 30 minutes and drink after purifying.

Maleki commercial is the biggest Persian pomegranate flower in Iran and across the world. For major order, you may call our advisors.


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