Home - Effect of medicinal plants on diabetes remedy

Effect of medicinal plants on diabetes remedy

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 plants on diabetes remedy

Today a large number of people are struggling with diabetes as a harmful disease.

High amounts of money and expense are spend for treating this disease each year and the life of many patients is affected. Research institutes all over the world introduce drugs for eliminating diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Everything we eat everyday turns to glucose after digestion in the digestive apparatus.

Glucose is one of the main sources of energy for body activities, which is present in blood.

Once glucose enter blood circulation, insulin is released from pancreas to control blood sugar. In people suffer from diabetes, this system does not work and will gradually increase blood sugar level.

Diabetes types

There are 2 types of diabetes:

type 1: in this type, human body does not produce any insulin at all. As a result, present sugar cannot enter the cells and supply energy, which subsequently results to increased blood sugar levels.

Type 2: in this type, the body produces insulin, but cells do not respond to it.

What are the reasons of diabetes?

  • Genetic
  • High weight
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood fat
  • Low activity
  • Polycystic ovary diseases

Medicinal plants are a suitable treatment method without side effects for diabetes. The main aim of this paper is to briefly mention the most important medicinal plants with positive effects on this disease.

Medicinal plants treating diabetes

1- Fenugreek

A herbaceous, annual plants with trichomes or pubeless, cylinder stems, trifoliate leaflets in leaves, ovate and tip, white to yellow flowers.

Seeds and leaves are the medicinal parts of this plant.

The scientific name is Trigonella Foenum –Graecum.

Medicinal- treatments properties of Fenugreek

  • Blood sugar reduction
  • Blood fat reduction
  • Blood cholesterol reduction
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Anti-pain
  • Anti-spasm
  • Anti-cancer
  • Disinfector
  • Heart tonic
  • Diabetes
  • Low appetite remedy
  • Bronchitis
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Burn, inflammation and eczema treat
  • Milk production enhancer in breast feeding mothers
  • Sex appetite enhancer
Application method for diabetes:

3 spoons of seed powder added to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purification.

Allowed application dose is 3 cups daily.

2- Dill

An annual plant, 40-120 cm height, thin and spindle roots, erect stem and dark green in color.

Aerial parts like seed, leaves and upper parts of the stem forms the medicinal sections of the plant. The scientific name is Anethum Graveolens L.

Medicinal- treatments properties of Dill
  • Blood sugar reduction
  • Diabetes remedy
  • Anti-inflation
  • Stomach tonic
  • Anti-spasm
  • Cough, influenza and cold treat
  • Treatment of menstrual disorders
  • Treatment of diuretic disorders
  • Sleep quality improvement
  • Milk increase in pregnant women
Application method for diabetes:

Use dill leaves as a herb and vegetable in normal nutrition regime.

3- Dandelion

A herbaceous plant with green leaves, triangular shape cuttings, roots brown to yellow at the end.

This plant belongs to Asteraceae and a dicotyledonous flower.

Roots, leaves and sap of dandelion are medicinal parts of this herbaceous plant.

The scientific name is Taraxacum Officinale.

Medicinal- treatments properties of dandelion
  • Blood sugar reduction
  • Blood fat reduction
  • Blood cholesterol reduction
  • Menstrual enhancer
  • Blood purifier
  • Urea exert
  • Eczema and skin disorders treatment
  • Anemia remedy
  • Rheumatism and gout treatment
  • Milk increase in pregnant wemon
  • Stomach tonic

Application method for diabetes:

Add a bit of root to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purification.


Nettle is self-growing plant in humid regions and gardens, creeping habit growth and covers all the growth area.

It was found from very ancient times and it was used for disease remedy.

Nettle contains compounds such as tannin, histamine, acetyl colin, iron, calcium, flavonoid, salicylic acid and vitamin C.

Medicinal- treatments properties of nettle
  • Diabetes
  • Hair fortifyier
  • Skin disease treatment
  • Milk enhancer in pregnant woman
  • Prostat swelling remedy
  • Digestive system tonic
  • Sex appetite enhancer
  • Hemorrhoids treatment
  • Boost stomach toughness
  • Diuretic increase
  • Stomach worm booster

Application method for diabetes

Add a portion of leaves to 300 ml water and drink after purification.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of nettle leaf in Iran and middle east. For order, you may call our advisors.

5- Colocynth

A perennial herbaceous palnt, divided and fleshy roots, flowers are yellow and individual. Fruit is the medicinal part of colocynth and the scientific name is Citrullus Colocynthis.

Medicinal- treatments properties of colocynth
  • Diabetes type 2 treatment
  • Blood pressure reduce
  • Toothache treatment
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Powerful laxative and purgative
  • Gout remedy
  • Pertussis remedy
  • Helps to relief asthma and bronchitis
  • High blood pressure remedy
Application method for diabetes

Add 0.5 g of plant powder to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after purification.

Note: Consult your medicine advisor before using any of the mentioned plants.



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