Home - All Information About Cultivation of Barberry

All Information About Cultivation of Barberry

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All Information About Cultivation of Barberry

What is barberry?

Barberries fruit : Barberry is a plant with the scientific name of Barberis Vulgaris of the Barberis family. Seedless barberry is exclusively produced by Iran in the global business.

Medicinal Part:


Ecology of Barberry Cultivation
  • This plant grows in areas that are 1500 meters above sea level. Seedless barberry grows exclusively in Iran, but other species of this plant grow in different parts of the world.
  • This plant is sensitive to heat and grows in cold and mountainous areas.
  • Seedless barberry starts to grow in late March of each year, and the buds open in April.
  • The flowering period lasts for 20 days, and there are 160 days from the flowering stage to ripening and harvesting fruits.
  • Barberries make excellent hedges against the wind, but hot wind can limit the quality of the product.
Cultivation Time

After preparation and fertilization of the cultivation land, barberry seedlings are planted in autumn (mid-November and early December).

Some straw is mixed with fertilizer and soil to prevent the seedlings from freezing in areas with extreme cold.

 How to Propagate Berberis?
  • Seeds
  • Cutting
  • Layering
  • Sucker



Barberry seeds are stored at 6 degrees for 2 months, after which they are soaked for 24 hours and planted in a mixture of soil, sand, leaf mold, and fertilizer.


The young branches are cut and planted in fertilized soil during March. Germination of the cuttings takes 1 to 2 years.


This is the best method to propagate barberry. The young and rooted suckers are collected from the mother plant in mid to late December and immediately planted in soil reinforced with special fertilizer.

Harvest Time

Barberry shrubs bear fruits from the fourth year of cultivation.

The fruit of this plant starts to change color from mid to late August and turns red in early September.

The harvest time is from early September to early November depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Barberry Shrub Pests

The following pests may harm barberry:

  • Stem rust (Pucchinnia gramini)
  • Liosomaphis berberidis (Kaltenbach)
  • Malacosoma neustria (Lep: Lasiocampidae)
  • Barberry powdery mildew
  • Rhagoletis cerasi
  • Lymantria dispar L. (Gypsy moth)
  • Leucopis dorsigera Fabricus
  • Parlatoria oleae C.
How to Dry Barberry?

Barberry is spread on flat cloths under the shrub and dried in a sunny space and under the shade.

Electric devices or manual separation are used after drying to separate the thorns, leaves, and rotten fruits. Finally, the high-quality dried fruit is packed.

Barberry Medicinal and Therapeutic Properties
  • Natural improvement of digestion
  • Heart and liver tonic
  • Removal of kidney and bladder stones
  • Relieving bile duct obstruction
  • Treatment of constipation and hemorrhoids
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Treatment of gout and rheumatism
  • Gastrointestinal regulation
  • Control of bleeding
  • Tightening gums
  • Anti-malaria


Supplier Barberries in Iran

Maleki commercial Group exports the best quality Barberries fruit according to the needs of the customers in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, and CIF.

Maleki commercial Group, the Largest Exporter of Barberries

Maleki commercial Group is the largest direct exporter of Barberries fruit in Iran and Asia. Maleki commercial Group exports the best quality Barberries according to the needs of the customers in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, and CIF.

For bulk purchase, can contact our consulting department.

Global Exports of Barberries

Maleki commercial Group is the global exporter of Barberries fruit with the most active compounds along with the best quality and price among all companies exporting this plant. This holding has achieved considerable success in exporting this plant to various countries without intermediaries.

If you need this high-quality export plant f, you can confidently obtain the best quality from Maleki commercial Group with safe and standard packaging.

The Price of Barberries in Iran

Maleki commercial Group exports Barberries fruit to Europe, Asia, and America under the brand of Elisso Sky, and has attracted customer satisfaction worldwide.

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