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All Information About Tragacanth

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All Information About Tragacanth

Tragacanth plant: What is Tragacanth, Scientific and common names of Tragacanth in international languages

Tragacanth plant, a plant sap which is collected from plants of Tragacanthus genus and Fabaceae family commonly named as Gavan through air or stem.

Tragacanth plant names
  • Scientific: Tragacanthus gummifer
  • Latin name: Tragacanthus gossypinus
  • English name: Locoweed, Milk–vetch, Tragacanth, Cow-toe, Feal broom, Gum tragacanth plant
  • French: Tragacanthe, Tragacanthe
  • German: Astragel, Tragant
  • Persian: Gavan-e- sefid, Gavan Panbei, Tragacanth
  • Arabic: Kasira, Baizae, Mokhlab al oghab, Qatad
Tragacanth (Gavan) characteristics

Gavan is a low growing bush 10 t0 15 cm tall. Different species of Tragacanth appear as shrubs or herbaceous annual and perennials which grow in mountain and sub mountain areas.

Distribution range and species

Global distribution includes the middle east and for Iran it is observed mainly in central and western parts.

Global distribution

The middle east is the main growth region (Syria, Iraq, Iran and Anatoli area).

Geographical distribution of Tragacanth in Iran

Central and western regions especially Eastern and Western Azarbaijan, mountains of Khorasan, Alborz and Zagros

Tragacanth species

Nearly 800 species are present in Iran, of which some are thorny and others grow herbaceous. Approximately 400 species of Tragacanth are endemic to Iran. Among thorny species of Tragacanth, gum producing species persist which are commonly known as white and yellow Tragacanth for consumers.

Tragacanth gum producing species

The most common Tragacanth gum producing species are listed below:

  • Tragacanthus Echidna
  • Tragacanthus Echindaeformis
  • Tragacanthus Floccosun
  • Tragacanthus Gossypinus
  • Tragacanthus Hypsogeton
  • Tragacanthus Longistylus
  • Tragacanthus Verus Oliver
  • Tragacanthus Myriacanthus
  • Tragacanthus Microcephalus
  • Tragacanthus Meschedensis
Tragacanth gum properties

Tragacanth is gum which is extracted from the Tragacanth stem. This gum runs out either naturally or in response to a stem wounding or cut and will be in a short period.

Tragacanth gum is marketed is in types:
  • Yellow Tragacanth: This type of gum is strip like compounds and smoke shape.
  • White Tragacanth: This type is like an expanded cloth, central or side parts of the gum are raised.

Chemical composition of Tragacanth along with therapeutic information

Tragacanth contains water, minerals, starch and two active ingredients namely, terakagantin and basurin.

Chemical composition of Tragacanth

Tragacanth contains 10-15% water, 3-4% minerals and 3% starch. Tragacanth gum is odorless and 60-70% of which is no soluble in water, but it turns to sticky mucilage like compound through water absorption and starch particles are visible within it.

2 types of active ingredients are present in Tragacanth:
  • Teragakantin: It is comprised of oronic acid which is attached to multiple arabinose molecules.
  • Basurin: This compound is no soluble in water and especially cold water and is comprised of galactronic acid bond with galactose and xylose carbohydrates.

Tragacanth from chemical point of view is a complex of few polysaccharides and a high molecular weight of over 800000.

Therapeutic information of Tragacanth

Contains a high amount of water soluble polysaccharide (40%) and non-soluble (60%). This composition gives it a laxative effect and enhances intestine activities.

Medicinal effects and uses

Tragacanth is mainly used in cosmetic and sanitary as well as medicinal industries. Tragacanth must be stored in a dry place.

Tragacanth uses

Tragacanth could be added to weight loosing medicines and/or volume expanding laxative for constipation control. It also can be used as a softener and pain relief in cosmetic products. Tragacanth is a suspension and emulsifier and adhesion factor for medicinal industry products.

Collecting method

Tragacanth gum is collected in second half of summer from 2 year old plants. Surface stem bark is scorched and Tragacanth will exert and dried at the site.

Tragacanth storage

Tragacanth must be stored in a dry place and in packed boxes.

Use frequency, dose and use timing, use prohibitions, cautions and side effects of Tragacanth

Prohibitions include patients prone to allergy and also those who have stomach block

Use frequency, dose and use timing

1 teaspoon of Tragacanth powder added to 300 ml water, use 3 times a day.


Prohibitions include patients prone to allergy and also those who have stomach block

Use cautions

Old patients over 60 years old and those with a GI upset summary.

Tragacanth side effects

Itching and high dose use stomach blockage. High dose use can cause intestine blockage and this problem will be fixed through enough drinking water.

Supplier of Tragacanth in Iran

For the commercial production of Tragacanth in Maleki Trading Company, trained farmers operate in some areas of Iran with the best quality. Customer satisfaction and commitment to selling quality Tragacanth are part of Maleki Trading charter.

Exporter of Tragacanth in Iran

Maleki commercial exports the best quality of Tragacanth according to the customer needs in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.

Global export of Tragacanth

Maleki Commercial is the global exporter of this plant with the highest active ingredients and the best quality and price among all companies exporting this plant. This holding company has achieved great success in exporting this plant to various countries without intermediaries.

If you need this high-quality export plant, you can confidently get the best quality from Maleki Trading Company with safe and standard packaging.

Tragacanth price in Iran

Maleki Commercial exports pure Tragacanth at the best price under the Elisso Sky brand to Europe, Asia, and the United States and has gained many customers’ satisfaction.

Maleki commercial, the biggest exporter of  Tragacanth

Maleki commercial is the biggest direct  Tragacanth exporter in Iran and Asia. This commercial offers all its products in form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF all over the world.

For major purchase, you may call our advisors.

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